Name-brand and hand-made cloth diapers at a fraction of the regular price
/Once upon a time, cloth diapers were those flat sheets that you folded and held in place with pins. Both parents and babies rejoiced when synthetic diapers came out. The pins, the coming undone, the washing--all of it was a nightmare. But that was a long time ago. Today cloth diapers are fitted, handy, reliable, easy to close with velcro and snaps and far healthier than synthetic diapers steeped in chemicals and irritating plastic.
Cloth diapers might be for you, if:
- Your baby has sensitive skin or has had diaper rash in the past. (Cloth diapers with fleece or cotton fillers are much less likely to cause rashes and irritation than synthetic diapers.)
- You are concerned about the environmental impact of tons of disposable, synthetic diapers.
- You are on a budget and want to cut costs.
- You are concerned about the health effects of the chemicals used in synthetic diapers.
Experts say that you need at least nineteen all-in-one, cloth diapers in order to make it through a washing cycle, which means two loads in most washers. My experience is that with small babies, who need a lot of changes, you may well need even more than that. Cloth diapers (a cover plus absorbent fillers) will usually cost about twenty Euros for ONE diaper. The thought of spending around 400 Euros on diapers right off the bat, is staggering to many parents, even though we know that eventually the cost of disposable diapers will be in the thousands of Euros by the time you potty train.
That's why good-quality, disinfected but used cloth diapers are a very good thing, both for your wallet and for the natural environment.
I am selling a lot of lightly used cloth diapers that will more than cover your needs for one or even two babies. The lot includes:
Lot of 31 lightly used cloth diapers (water-proof covers and night-time fillers) plus a few extras for 4,000 Kc
The name-brand diapers have a pocket system to keep soft, dry fleece next to the skin at all times. The absorbent cotton filler is inserted into the pocket.
- 17 name-brand one-size, pocket diapers with nighttime absorbent fillers. The fillers have two pieces and you can use only one piece during the day for a lighter diaper if you wish. The inner surface of the pocket diaper is fleece material that wicks moisture away from the skin much more effectively than disposable diapers or 100 percent cotton. The pocket design makes cleaning easy and contains the mess. These diapers are a mix of professional brands, including GroVia, BottomBumpers and Blueberry. These are all adjustable one-size diapers that fit all but the tiniest newborns up to toddler age with a system of snaps and/or velcro.
- 1 name-brand FuzzyBunz fleece pocket diaper for newborns. This is my only tiny diaper but it is a great one.
- 13 hand-made diapers with velcro or snap covers and 100-percent cotton fillers. Most of these diapers were made by an old lady in Oregon who is a dear friend of mine. Some of the covers are from the name-brand set but don't have the original fillers anymore. All of the covers are waterproof and just as secure as the professional covers. Some are a bit smaller and may be better for newborns.
- 1 natural wool diaper cover for winter. This one isn't water-proof but is a lovely handwoven piece made with natural materials.
- 2 extra water-proof diaper covers for when you use only part of the night-time fillers and need an extra cover.
This is an example of the hand-made diaper fillers. They are 100 percent cotton and quite well-made. There is a snapping filler that works like the water-proof covers and an extra filler for nighttime use inside the cover.
This diapering set will cover all your diapering needs for a small fraction of the price of either cloth diapers or disposable diapers. It has been lightly used. I've taken out any damaged or stained diapers and left only those that are in very good shape. The materials stand up to heavy washing at a high temperature and to driers, though I hung mine up to dry as well.
The seventeen name-brand diapers were originally purchased for around 390 Euros. The hand-made diapers are worth at least 100 Euros new. But they are not new and I NEED my closet space.
So, I'm selling this entire lot for 150 Euros (4,000 Kc) or the best offer. Call me at 608819276 in the Czech Republic or write me an email from my contact page here, if you are interested. Feel free to ask questions in the comments section below and I'll get right back to you as soon as I can.